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Mini Contact Directory
Police (011) 2433333, 118, 119 Fire brigade (011) 2422222 Ambulance (011) 2341736 BOMB Disposal (011) 2434251 All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (Halal Certification Authority) (011) 5357382 Ceylon Tourist Board (011) 2437571 Railway Tourist Information (011) 2421281 Ext. 336 Railway Station-Fort (011) 2421281 Dept of Immigration & Emigration (011) 2503629, 2503638 Museums-Colombo (011) 2694767, 2694768 National Zoological Gardens (011) 2712751, 2712752 Central Bus Stand (011) 2328081, 2329604 Flight Information (011) 2252861 Fraud Bureau (011) 2501733, 2583512 Registrations of Persons (011) 2583199, 2508022 UNDP Sri Lankan Office (011) 2583805 Colombo National Hospital (011)2 694731 ,(011)2 691111 Ampara Hospital (063) 2222235 Batticaloa Hospital (065) 2222261 Galle Hospital (091) 2232276 Gampaha Hospital (033) 2222399 Jaffna Hospital (021) 2222833 Kalmunai Hospital (067) 2229222 Kalubowila Hospital (011)2822262, (011)2763261 Kalutara Hospital (034) 2222661 Matara Hospital (041) 2222223 Negombo Hospital (031) 2222261 Panadura Hospital (038) 2232261-2 Trincomalee Hospital (026) 2222261 Vavuniya Hospital (024) 2222261 Aloka Hospital 011-5370708 Apollo Hospital 011-5362363, 011-4530000 Arogya Hospital 033-4671061, 033-4671071 Asha Central Hospital 011-5353911, 011-2696411, 011-2698651 Asiri Hospital 011-5354874, 011-2593929 Borella Private Hospital 011-2692753 Castle Street Maternity Hospital 011-2696231 Central Hospital - Badulla 055-4499638 Chinese Earstern Medical Hospital 011-4710207 Colombo North General Hospital - Ragama 011-2959261 Colombo South General Hospital 011-2822261 De Soysa Hospital for Women 011-2696224 Delmon Hospital 011-2503295, 011-2586726 Durdans Hospital 011-2573930, 011-4518220 Eye Hospital - Colombo 011-2693911 General Hospital - Colombo 011- 2691111 General Hospital - Galle 091-2222261 General Hospital - Kalutara 034-2222261 General Hospital - Kandy 081-2223337 General Hospital (Teaching) Peradeniya 081-2288001 Grandpass Maternity Hospital 011-5349731, 011-2435954, 011-2422184 Horana Private Hospital 034-4286234 Joseph Fraser Memorial Hospital 011-2588386, 011-4517747 Kaleel’s Hospital 011-2435733, 011-2432441 Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital - Colombo 011-2693711 Macarthy Hospital 011-5369651, 011-2697760 011-2693953 Nawaloka Hospital 011-5344344, 011-2544444 Ninewells Care Mother and Baby Hospital 011-4520999, 011-4527188 Oasis Hospital 011-4514770 Osro Hospital - Mawanella 035-4682121 Park Hospital 011-5369205 Pushpakumara Hospital 025-4580783 Ratnam’s Hospital 011-2327780, 011-2448172 Royal Hospital 011-2586581, 011-2584212 Sri Jayawardenapura General Hospital 011-2863610, 011-4303678 St Peter's Hospital 011-4516916, 011-5377223 St.Michael’s Hospital 011-2589109, 011-2585256 Suwasevena Hospital Private Limited - Kandy 081-4476762, 081-4476763 The Kandy Private Hospital 081-4479448, 081-4479449 Wattala Private Hospital 011-2930712 If you find any errors in these details, kindly let us know with the correct information. Thanks in advance. Foreign Missions Address Telephone Fax American Embassy 44, Galle Road,Colombo 3 2448007 2449070 Apostolic Nunciature In Sri Lanka - 2582554 2580906 Australian High Commission 21,Gregory's Road, Colombo 7 2463200 2686453 Bangladesh High Commission 47,Sir Ernest De Silva Mw, Colombo 7 2681310 2681311 2681312 2681309 Belgium Honorary Consulate 3/1, Police Park Terrace, Colombo 5 2504351 2504353 2504352 Brazil Honorary Consulate 300, Galle Road, Colombo 3 2577431 2577432 2575440 British High Commission 190, Galle Road,Colombo 3 2437336 2437343 2430308 British Council 49, Alfred House Avenue, Colombo 3 2581171 2587079 Canadian High Commission 6, Gregory’s Road,Colombo 7 2695841 2687049 Chinese Embassy 381A, Bauddhaloka Mw, Colombo 7 2694491 2693799 Colombo Plan Secretariat 13th Floor, BOC Merchant Tower Colombo 3 2564448 2564531 Croatia Honorary Consulate 185, Union Place, Colombo 2 4309340 2304646 Cuban Embassy 22/2, Sir Marcus Fernando Mw, Colombo 7 2698438 2669380 Cyprus Honorary Consulate 16th Floor, Ceylinco Seylan Towers, Colombo 3 2456650 2452655 Czech Honorary Consulate 188, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 2 2328908 2328908 Denmark Consulate Unit No.5-3C, East Tower,World Trade Cntr Echelon Square,Colombo 01 5556699 5554545 Dominican Republic 112 Galle Road, Colombo 3 2433986 2421450 2447213 Egyptian Embassy 39,Dickman's Road, Colombo 5 2583621 2585292 El Salvador Consulate 28,Rajamalwatte Road,Colombo 15 2523854 Finland Consulate 410/6,Bauddhaloka Mw, Colombo 7 2662558 Food Agriculture Organization UN Compound 202 - 204 Bauddhaloka Mawataha, Colobmo 7 FAO 2580798 2587990 French Embassy 89,Rosmead Place,Colombo 7 2698815 2699039 Alliance Francaise Colombo 11,Barnes Place,Colombo 7 2694162 2688735 Alliance Francaise Kandy 412,Peradeniya Road,Kandy 081 2224432 German Embassy 40,Alfred House Avenue,Colombo 3 . 2580431 2580440 Greece Honorary Consulate Meewella Building,329,Galle Road,Colombo 4 2585995 2785995 Guinea Bissau Honorary Consulate 12,De Fonseka Place, Colombo 4 2501212 2594612 Hungarian Consulate 104,Nawala Road, Narahenpita,Colombo 5 2589960 2589968 Iceland Consulate 41, W.A.D.Ramanayake Mw,Colombo 2 2433536 4229504 Indian High Commission 36-38, Galle Road,Colombo 3 2421605 2446403 Indian High Commission Kandy 31,Rajaphilla Mw,P.O.Box 47 - Kandy 081 2222652 081 2232479 Indonesian Embassy 400/50, Sarana Road, Off Bauddhaloka Mw,Col 7 2674337 2685042 2678668 International Organization - Ilo UN Compund, 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mw, Colombo 7 2580691 2592525 2581116 2500865 Director ILO Colombo Office 2500539 International Organization For Migration Iom 31,Police Park Avenue, Colombo 5 2581673 International Water Management 127,Sunil Mw.Pelawatte,Battaramulla 2787404 2786854 Iranian Embassy 17, Bullers Lane, Colombo 7 2501137 2580636 2502691 Iraq Embassy 19, Barnes Place, Colombo 7 2698733 2697676 Italian Embassy 55, Jawatte Raod ,Colombo 5 2588388 2588622 Japanese Embassy 20, Greogory's Road ,Colombo 7 2693831 2698629 Jordanian Honorary Consulate 2, Nandana Gardens ,Colombo 4 2586849 Korean Embassy 98,Dharmapala Mawatha ,Colombo 7 2699036 2672358 Kuwait Embassy 14,Jawatte Road, Colombo 5 2597958/ 9 2597954 Libyan Embassy 120, Horton Place, Colombo 7 2697311 5338881 Maldives High Commission 25, Melbourne Avenue, Colombo 4 2500943 2586762 2500301 Counsellor Actg High Comsr's Office 2580076 Malaysian High Commission 92, Kynsey Road, Colombo 7 2686090 2692479 2693877 2697555 Mauritius Honorary Consulate 104/11, Grandpass Road, Colombo 14 2330859 2471131 Mexican Consulate 760-762, Baseline Road, Colombo 9 2698292 2698296 2692728 Myanmar Embassy 108, Barnes Place, Colobmo 7 2681197 2672197 2681196 Nepalese Embassy 153, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8 2689656 2689655 Netherlands Embassy 25, Torrington Avenue, Colombo 7 2596914 2502855 New Zealand Consulate 329, Galle Rd, Meewella Bldg, Colombo 4 2585995 2556701 2585995 Norwegian Embassy 34, Ward Place, Colobmo 7 2469609 2469611 2695009 Pakistan High Commission 211, De Saram Place, Colombo 10 2696301 2695780 Pakistan Honorary Consulate - Kandy 081-2222974 2224331 081-2234481 Palestine Embassy 110/10,WijeramaMawatha, Colombo 7 2695991 2695992 Panama Honorary Consulate 99/1/6, Harbour View Apts13 2466608 2431782 Peru Honorary Consulate " Alliance House" 84, Ward Place , Colombo 07 2676476 Philippines Honorary Consulate 41, Sir Ernest De Silva Mw,Colombo 7 2696321 2684480 2522524 Poland Honorary Consulate 47/1, Ward Place, Colombo 7 2693307 2669639 Portugal Honorary Consulate 22 , Palm Grove, Colombo3 2574453 2575214 Romanian Embassy 6A, Samudra Mawatha,Mt,Lavania 4203153 2723256 Russian Embassy 62,Sir Ernest De Silva Mw,Colombo 7 2573555 2574957 Saudi Arabian Embassy 39, Sir Ernest De Silva Mw,Colombo 7 2682087 2682088 South Asia Co-Operative Environment 10, Anderson Road, Off Dickman's Road, Colombo 5 2589787 2589369 Spain Honorary Consulate 8/2,ElvitigalaFlats,Elvitigala Mw, Colombo 8 2699607 Sweden Embassy 49, Buller's Lane, Colombo 7 2688452 2688455 Switzerland Embassy P.O.Box 342, 63,Gregory's Rd, Colobmo7 2695117 2695127 2695176 Tajikistan Trade Representative 415, Galle Road, Colombo 3 2575200 Thai Embassy 9th Floor, Green LankaTower 46/46 , Nawam Mawatha ,Colobmo 2 2302500 2304511 Egypt Trade Centre 42/3, Dickman's Road ,Colombo 5 2584310 2589120 Tunisia Honorary Consulate 116, Union Place, Colombo 2 2423535 2437616 Turkey Honorary Consulate 547,1/B, Galle Road, Colombo 6 4516026 4516076 Ukraine Honorary Consulate 40/1, Dickman's Road ,Colombo 5 2588924 2503245 United Arab Emirates Embassy 44,Sir Ernest De Silva Mw,Colombo 7 2565052/3 4710014/5 2564104 United Nation's Children's Fund ( Unicef ) 5, Gitanjali Place, Colombo 3 UNICEF Rep in Sri Lanka &Maldives 2551331/2 2551731/2 2551333 United Nation's Development Programme Undp) UN Compound 202 - 204 , Bauddhaloka Mw, Colombo 7 2580691 2581116 United Nation's High Commissioner For 97, Rosmead Place, Colombo 7 2683968 2683971 United Nation's Population Fund (Unfpa) UN Compound 202-204, BauddhalokaMw, Colombo 7 UNFPA Rep for Sri Lanka &Maldives 2580840 2580698 United Nation's UN Compound 202-204, BauddhalokaMw, Colombo 7 2580691 2581116 World Food Programme (Wfp) UN Compound 202-204, BauddhalokaMw, Colombo 7 2586244 2580691 2502468 2581116 World Health Organization (Who ) 226, Bauddhaloka Mw,, Colombo 7 2586244 2502468 2581116 Yeman Republic 22/2, Thurstan Road, Colombo 3 2565171 2576959 Yugoslavia Honorary Consulate Bank Of Ceylon Building 20A, York Street, 2422871 2447936 If you find any errors in these details, kindly let us know with the correct information. Thanks in advance. Airlines Services & Air Travel Ticket Agencies in Sri Lanka Aeroflat (011)2 334255-56 Air France (011)2 334255-56 Air India Ltd (011)2 325832 Air Mauritius (011)2338458 Aom French Airlines (011)2 435597, (011)2 345622 British Airlines (011)2 320231 Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd (011)2 334145-7 Emirates Airways (011)4 716565 Fusion Air Services (Pvt) Ltd (011)4 766500 Gulf Air (011)2 434662, (011)2 326633 Indian Air Lines (011)2 326844 Iraqi Airways (011)2 438016-7 Japan Airlines (011)2 300315, 17 Jetwing Air (Pvt) Ltd (011)4 732400 Klm Royal Dutch Airlines (011)2 439747, (011)2 439757 Korean Air (011)2 422686, (011)2 449773 Kuwait Airways (011)2 445531 Ltu International Airways (011)2 424483 Malaysia Airlines (011)2 424483 Mea/ Middle East Airlines (011)2 343252 Pakistan International Airlines (011)2 573475 Qatar Airways (011)4525726 Quantas (011)2 348490 Royal Jordanian (011)2 301621-3 Royal Nepal Airlines (011)2 439319 Sadui Arabian Airlines (011)2 577241 Singapore Airlines (011)2 300757 Srilankan Airline (019)7 335555 Swiss Air (011)2 435403 Thai Airways International Ltd (011)2 331166-70 Srilankan Airline (019)7 335555 If you find any errors in these details, kindly let us know with the correct information. Thanks in advance. Sri Lanka Telecom Hotline (011) 2323232 Operator Assisted Calls - National 101 (011) 2341800 Operator Assisted Calls - International 100 (011) 2330650 Time (Sinhala) 102 - (Tamil) 103 - (English) 104 - Faults 121 (011) 2435866 Telegrams 133 (011) 2434793 Directory Assistance - International 134 (011) 2327392 Directory Assistance - National 161 (011) 2421411 SLT Internet & E-mail Help Desk (24 Hours) (011) 2331153 Lanka Bell Customer Care Hotline (011) 5375375 General Number (011) 5335000 Grandpass Office (011) 5339944 Dialog Customer Care Hotline (077) 7678678 (011) 2678678 (077) 7123456 Billing Hotline (077) 7678679 Mobitel Customer Care Hotline (071) 2755777 General Number (011) 2550330 Suntel Customer Care Hotline (011) 4747474 If you find any errors in these details, kindly let us know with the correct information. Thanks in advance. Important Phone No's
If you find any errors in these details, kindly let us know with the correct information. Thanks in advance. Hospitals
If you find any errors in these details, kindly let us know with the correct information. Thanks in advance.
Foreign Missions
(Holy See)
28, St. Michael's Road, Colombo 3
90, Galle Road, Colombo 3
Rep in Sri Lanka Maldives
/ 5
/ 3
/ 7 / 8 2676151
2597960 2582428
/ 7
/ 4
/ 2
/ 70
Colombo 1
(011) 2421411
(011) 2555555
(011) 2451378
(011) 2324956
(011) 2323232
(011) 2441274
(011) 2346576