Wednesday, June 05, 2024
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Muslims stood with the majority community in defeating terrorism - President

Sandasen Marasinghe in Nuwara Eliya

President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday opened the new building of the Al- Kabeer Grand Jumma Mosque in Nuwara Eliya as the first Sri Lankan President to open a mosque and the first non- Islamic leader in the world to open a mosque. He opened the mosque after receiving the blessings of Buddhist monks at the Nuwara Eliya Buddhist Centre in the morning. The President also offered a gold plated Buddha statue and atapirikara to the chief incumbent of the Buddhist Centre .

All communities in Sri Lanka stand in togetherness today in the face of attempts by several international forces to divide nations, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said. He made this observation at the opening ceremony of a new building at Al- Kabeer Grand Jumma Mosque, Nuwara Eliya yesterday.


Intelligence: Is it in the brain or the heart?

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By Mohamed Ghilan

Contrary to what we know now, the “organ of intellect” was not always known to be the brain. In fact, before the matter was settled, there were two competing views regarding where the intellect is in the body: the brain or the heart. The most famous of those on one side was Aristotle who was pushing for a cardiocentric (heart-centered) model, which argued that the heart is in fact the organ of intelligence (Frampton, 1991). In his observations, Aristotle noticed that poking the brain of an injured person did not induce pain. He therefore reasoned that the brain is not engaged in perception of any kind. Had he known about pain receptors, I’m sure he would’ve done a few more tests.


Message from Geneva: Know your sincere friends

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By Latheef Farook 

In times of crisis in Sri Lanka, Muslims countries have always come to the island’s rescue   with no strings attached. This friendly gesture was demonstrated once again by Muslim countries   when they voted against the US sponsored United Nations Human Rights Council resolution against Sri Lanka.

While the European countries as a whole sided with the US, almost every Muslim country either supported Sri Lankan or abstained. For example Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bangladesh Maldives, Mauritania and Indonesia   voted against the resolution defying the US. Four more Muslim countries, Malaysia Jordan, Kyrgyzstan and predominantly Muslim Senegal abstained thus depriving the US of large majority.

Surprisingly our new found friend the Zionist state of Israel co-sponsored the US resolution.  


Tax on Motor vehicles also hiked


Tax on Motor vehicles which include cars, vans, trishaws and motor bicycles have been increased with immediate effect. The Ministry of Finance and Planning announced today that the increase was made to ensure a drop in the vehicles imported to the country in order to reduce the high traffic congestions prevalent. The Ministry also said that this move will help bring down the use of fuel by motorists.

The classifications of the Tax have been made to correspond with the engine capacity of the vehicles. Hybrid vehicle production taxes below 1000CC have been increased by 14 % with tax for all hybrids above 3000CC being increased by 57%.


Responding to China, Pakistan and the Iranian Bomb

By Hameed Abdul Karim

According to Western public discourse there are two types of Muslim. One is a ‘fundamentalist’ the other is a ‘moderate’ Muslim. The former is one who wants to be independent from Western hegemony and the latter is one who cozies up to the Western agenda, wittingly or unwittingly. But now there is a new kid on the block. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Rand Corporation Muslim. ‘Who the heck is he’, you might ask and quite rightly so. Well, for starters he or she is a Muslim or, more appropriately, one who wears the ‘Muslim’ name tag and one who is trained and financed by America’s Rand Corporation to dilute Islam to a point where its adherents will no longer be a stumbling block to the empire’s plans for total world hegemony. And Manzoor Ahamed, writing under the title ‘China, Pakistan and the Iranian Bomb’ (Ceylon Today’ Sat.  24 March, 2012) fits the description of a ‘Rand Muslim’ like a glove going by his vilification of Pakistan’s much maligned nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan  who  gave his country its ‘Islamic bomb’.


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