Thursday, June 06, 2024
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    Dr. Mohamed Shafi Shihabdeen

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Attack on World Trade Centre in New York Lunching pad for “Crusade against Muslims worldwide”.


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Attack on World Trade Centre in New York

Lunching pad for “Crusade against Muslims worldwide”.

by Latheef Farook

Today, 11 September 2014, is the thirteenth anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York and the attack on Pentagon. However up to date no one knows “who was really responsible for this crime”.

Several studies threw suspicion   that it must have been a very well planned inside job and the demolition must have been well timed and set up before the aircraft crashed into the skyscrapers. Reiterating this view many political analysts questioned how four hijacked jumbo jets were able to fly off-course across several states without encountering any opposition from the most powerful and responsive air force in the world.

An advertisement in The Sydney Morning Herald suggested that an electronic detonation made the twin towers collapse. The advertisement, by Jimmy Walter, who offered one million US dollars to anyone who proves that explosives were not used in the demolition of the World Trade Centre, challenged the US government to “Re-open the investigation and address the unanswered questions of 9/11”. However to date it was not done .Walters stated that photos taken on September 11, 2001, showed no signs of the wrecked aircraft - no cabin, no tail and no engines

While the world watched with shock and disbelief the unfolding events, George   Bush accused, within 24 hours,   Al Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden, of masterminding this tragedy and the Taliban government in Afghanistan of sheltering them.

This accusation was made even before the dead bodies were recovered from the debris and launching an investigation to find out about those responsible for the attack.

However there were Western media reports that America had detailed plans under the Clinton administration, a year before September 11, to send Special Forces to Afghanistan to “roll back” Al Qaeda and capture Osama bin Laden.

Cynthia McKinney, the outspoken Congress politician from Atlanta, claimed that Bush had advance knowledge of the September 11 attacks.

American Zionist Bush and British Zionist Blair exploited the mood in the aftermath of 9/11 tragedy to build up a fear psychosis to implement their evil design on Muslim countries.  This design   to impose their hegemony worldwide also included a global crusade against Islam and Muslims as the convenient scapegoats.

In the process hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed, once again Afghanistan was turned into a killing field .Thus the Afghan misery which began with the Soviet invasion in December 1978 continued.

To consolidate their gain over Afghanistan, the US established military bases all over the country to destabilise Central Asia and the Middle East and exploit the resources of the region.

Selling lies and deception Bush and Blair then turned their attention towards invading Iraq - ancient Middle Eastern country, rich in history and heritage besides the oil wealth – the prime target of the US administration.


Here too, like in Afghanistan, they installed a puppet regime followed by fake parliamentary elections which brought another bunch of American stooges to the US-controlled parliament. Bush and Blair virtually destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure, indiscriminately killed innocent civilians, manipulated civil war and triggered social unrest to pave the way for the breakup of Iraq.

So far more than 1.6 million innocent Iraqis were killed. More than five million Iraqis who lived in peace in their own homes are today confined to refugee camps living in abject poverty.

They put Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds against one another and provoked a civil war to pave the way for the effective partitioning of the country. Hand in hand, the US set up military bases all over Iraq virtually surrounding and cornering both Iraq’s neighbours Syria and Iran.

In its wake came the more shocking pictures of George Bush’s troops’ gang-raping Iraqi women. Among the victims were ordinary housewives, mothers and daughters – all brought up in a decently conservative society and whose cultural customs have always valued feminine purity as a prerequisite for marriage and a happily wedded life. Did the perpetrators of these appalling crimes ever stop to wonder that their victims were the same kind of women as their mothers and sisters at home ?

Obviously not, because these hapless women were forcibly dragged out of their homes screaming in terror, stripped naked and gang-raped by the very people who had ostensibly been there to protect them.  Nonetheless, such criminal depravity had been committed by so-called civilised uniformed personnel representing the most powerful military nation on earth.

Most Muslim countries were mere spectators while some joined the coalition under secret deals.  Most Third World countries opted to remain silent to avoid the consequences of antagonising US administration under Bush who blackmailed the world?

Hand in hand the Zionist controlled western media unleashed a fierce anti-Muslim campaign      when age-old religious and political disputes were resurrected and Muslims were systematically massacred.

This included Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Chechnya, Somalia, Algeria followed by the destruction of Libya and Syria. As the well laid out conspiracy started to unfold in different parts of the world, Muslim refugees fleeing their homes became a common sight on television networks on a routine basis.

Helpless Muslim all over the world watched in dismay at the injustice perpetrated against them and their inability to   undo the damage with their regimes keeping them under a siege and turning a blind eye to the atrocities.

Then came the massacre of innocent men, women, children and the aged who were observing the holy month of Ramadan Fast in Fallujah, a city of 300,000 people.  Carefully planned and executed, Bush turned Fallujah into a virtual slaughter house when he dropped internationally banned and improved version of napalm bombs which indiscriminately burnt and melted them to death.

Bush, described by American singer and activist Harry Belafonte as “the greatest terrorist in the world”, and his neo con team, backed by Tony Blair, committed these atrocities on Iraqis, who posed no threat to America., Iraqis were considered sub-humans without any feelings or hearts and deserved to be raped, bombed and slaughtered as they also happen to be Muslims and live in the land blessed with oil resources which the US needed at any cost.

Angered right-minded Jewish, Christian and other intellectuals all over the world openly called for impeaching Bush for misleading the American people and launching what they described as the most   barbaric war in modern history. Some called it an act of banditry, while others described it as the single greatest blunder in America’s foreign policy history.

They said, once removed from office, Bush and Blair should be put on trial along with the rest of their cohorts in The Hague and to be categorised in the same class and company as Slobodan Milosevic.

The real beneficiaries were the Anglo-American oil giants, Wall Street, the Anglo-American military-industrial complexes, corporate conglomerates and financial oligarchy and, at the top of the list, the Jewish state of Israel. These are the powerful and invisible forces behind America’s war agenda.

Despite a media blackout, it didn’t take long for the world to realise Bush’s deception and hypocrisy when details about how the forces close to him, which promoted his war agenda, made billions on the misery and suffering of the Iraqi people and the Americans too.

For example, billions of dollars worth of contracts for the so-called rebuilding of Iraq was given to Halliburton, Bechtel and other multinationals close to his neo con cabal, especially Vice President Dick Cheney, who was described by independent American columnists in the US as “Vice President for Torture”.

Thus Bush and Blair cleared the road for oil firms to rob Iraq of billions .The weapons industry, constituting a sizable part of the American economy, flourished on an unprecedented scale.

The 9/11 events were the turning point of this anti-Muslim crusade.  In the process of   Bush and his Zionist neo con team, led by Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld and his then deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, associated terrorism with Islam and branded Muslims all over the world as terror suspects, which also divided the world on religious lines and has caused considerable harm to Muslims.

This is not something new, as it has always been part of the western design to distort the image of Islam and project Muslims as violent, barbaric, anti-democratic, anti-human and anti-rational. They regard Muslims collectively with contempt and scorn and turn them into “the enemy”.

The anti-Muslim feeling has been rekindled by Bush and Blair on a global scale and this ‘Islamophobia’ has spread like wildfire through the US and Canada to Europe and even to distant Australia. The situation is so frightening that Wolfram Richter, the Economic Professor of the University of Dortmund, has expressed his fears that “they would do to Muslims what they did to Jews and the next holocaust would be against Muslims”.

THE war against terrorism is so comprehensive that it strikes at the very root of political, military, economic, financial, social, religious and even cultural life of muslims all over the world.

And thus the Bush-led crusade against Islam and Muslims was openly declared.

The unjust and indiscriminate killing of innocent people by the US and Britain that caused even the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to openly emphasise the dire need to define, with moral clarity, what terrorism is, and urged world leaders to agree on a universal definition on terrorism.

Under the guise of “hunting down terrorists”, the hysteria created was such that even to suggest that the 9/11 attacks were a response to American policies in the Arab and Muslim world was met by the US with outrage and condemned as “unpatriotic”,  “treacherous”, or as “appeasement” of terrorism.

Subsequent developments showed how Bush exploited the shocked nation’s grief and sympathy to implement his pre-planned designs to topple regimes and install puppet leaders in their drive to redesign the Middle East to suit their goals.

Due to this tirade by the head of the world’s sole Super Power, all Muslim countries, individuals, Islamic banking and financial institutions, organisations – especially religious ones – and charities, mosques, religious schools and anything and everything related to Islam and Muslims have become objects of suspicion and hatred.

Calls for the elimination of these Islamic Institutes are being echoed by the Western media in servitude to Bush, helping his Christian Fundamentalist agenda to stem the spread of Islam in the US and Europe.

Today, Muslim men with beards and women with headscarves are afraid to move freely in many countries, especially in the West. Most people from the Gulf and the Middle East, instead of travelling to the US and Europe, once regarded as their second homes, turn to Malaysia and other Asian countries for their annual vacation, eager to avoid harassment and hardships  . The hatred towards Muslims has become so widespread

Muslim governments were blackmailed by the US and forced to explain their innocence and disclose details of Islamic organisation activities on the pretext of investigating links to the Al Qaeda organisation in their countries. Many Muslim countries and almost every country in the Middle East supplied plane loads of documents to the US giving detailed accounts of all Muslim Associations, their activities and the people involved in their respective countries.

In doing so, these regimes tried to ensure their own survival rather than the interests, the dignity or security of their countries.

As part of a long-term global conspiracy aimed at separating Muslims from Islam and to produce a secular-minded generation, Muslim countries were also pressurised to alter syllabuses in their schools and university curriculum. Fearing the wrath of the sole super power, these rulers in Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia obediently complied with this request and introduced changes.

The overall smear campaign, had successfully managed to turn the world against the Muslims, and hijacked even the legitimate freedom struggle of Muslims portraying them as “Islamic” terrorists. The fair word of Islam, which means peace, has been tarnished by the Western media to such lengths that it is now inextricably linked it to terrorism. __._,_.___

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