Details for Jummah by Ash-Sheikh Abdul Mujeeb (Gafoori) at Colombo07, Bullers Rd Jummah Masjid on 11/04/08

Name:Jummah by Ash-Sheikh Abdul Mujeeb (Gafoori) at Colombo07, Bullers Rd Jummah Masjid on 11/04/08

Jummah by Ash-Sheikh Abdul Mujeeb (Gafoori) at Colombo07, Bullers Rd (MHM Ashraff Mw) Jummah Masjid on 11th April 2008.

This Jummah emphasises the present day Palastinian issues and the need for the worldwide unity and solidarity towards the Palastine and its people.


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Last updated on: 03/10/2012 00:41